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Massachusetts Ave. Billboard Project: Brad Wicklund

Wave to a Stranger by Brad Wicklund


Your Art Here presents Wave to a Stranger by artist Brad Wicklund for the Massachusetts Ave. Billboard Project. The billboard will be mounted June 2006.

Artwork Statement

Every human being has a unique story to tell that is influenced by his or her own experiences and perspectives on reality. Despite this individuality we are all inextricably linked. Even our most mundane actions, when repeated daily or by many people, can have global ramifications. My recent work illustrates those moments when the tension between the personal and universal becomes noticeable by forcing the observer to consider his or her own relationship to a larger community.

Artist Bio

Brad Wicklund was born in Longview, Texas in 1982. While growing up his family moved often which lead him to live in Alaska, Illinois, and several cities in Ohio. In 2001 he began attending Indiana University, Bloomington, where he graduated in May 2006 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Printmaking and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History of Art. Along with fellow printmaker, Andrew Maxson, he founded the LOVE FACTORY art collective in January 2006.


Massachusetts Ave. Billboard Project: Joseph Traylor & Cate Whitcomb

Today’s Special by Joseph Traylor & Cate Whitcomb
Your Art Here presents a collaboration between two artists, Joseph Traylor & Cate Whitcomb, for the Massachusetts Ave. Billboard Project. Their piece is entitled Today’s Special. The billboard will be mounted January and February 2006.

Artwork Statement

Our goal was to take the vernacular of billboard advertising and apply it to the idea of promoting each day. This work subverts communication channels for product and service advertising into a promotion of the goal enjoying everyday.

Artist Bio:

Joseph Traylor graduated from Indiana University with a BFA in Graphic Design in December 2004. He currently works as a graphic designer in New York, NY.

Cate Whitcomb graduated from Indiana University with a BFA in Graphic Design in December 2004. She currently works as a graphic designer in Portland, OR.


Joseph Traylor:
Cate Whitcomb:

Billboard Generation III

Search for Truth, 6th St, Two Blocks West of College Ave., Bloomington, IN, by Amber, Harmony School; Photo by Stephanie Stanley

Announcing the Winners of Your Art Here’s 3rd annual youth art billboard competition, Billboard Generation III, beginning March 1st!
Your Art Here (YAH) is pleased to announce the winning artworks of the third annual youth art billboard competition, Billboard Generation III. In celebration of National Youth Art Month, YAH asked kids to make art on the topic “Free Speech: Voice Your Opinion!” Nine artworks made by grade school through high school students are currently on display on billboards in Bloomington and Indianapolis.

The Billboard Generation Project gives kids the opportunity to express themselves to the community through visual dialogue. We believe that expressing unique opinions, and giving a voice to every individual’s ideas is a patriotic and civic duty. Students from the Bloomington and Indianapolis community communicated their thoughts and feeling about a wide variety of issues: the importance of expression, gender equality and equality for the handicapped, equality for all races and ethnicities, the alienation of youth in modern culture, the obesity epidemic, and the search for truth in American culture.

By providing public advertising spaces for youth art we hope to encourage thought on how to enrich our community through visual dialogue. Through this project we want to instill in kids the desire, knowledge, and confidence that will allow them to engage their community and world throughout their lives.

Important Dates

  • March 1st: Billboard Generation III Opens!
  • March 5th, Reception at the John Waldron Arts Center
  • March 11th, Reception at the Harrison Center
  • April 9th, Your Art Here Art Auction and Benefit Show at Second Story, Bands TB
  •  Download the Art Auction Press Release [pdf, 56k]

York Art Here

Artwork created by York, Alabama 5th and 6th grade students

Your Art Here co-founders Shana Berger and Nathan Purath were resident artists of the Coleman Center for Arts and Culture and the municipalWORKSHOP in May of 2005. They worked with every fifth and sixth grade student in York, where the schools system is still divided along lines of race and economic status. After studying collage art and the idea of community, the students were asked to make drawings about their own communities. All of the drawings were then scanned into the computer and digitally collaged into three art pieces that are currently displayed on billboards throughout the City of York.


Billboard Generation II

Members of Your Art Here hanging a billboard with winnners from the Minnie Hartman School [Photo by Nathan Purath]


The second Youth Art billboard competition took place in Bloomington and Indianapolis, resulting in four billboards in each city. Eight different artworks made by students in grades k-12 responded to the question “What would you like to tell your community?” Winning themes included the effects of pollution on our environment, diversity, and the importance of community involvement.


Around The Arts, The Indiana Daily Student, April 8, 2004

School 78 Art Appears on Billboard, The Indianapolis Star, March 2004

Galleries in the open air: Local students use artistic talent to strike conversations with community, By Jane Charney, The Indiana Daily Student, March 11, 2004

The Billboard Generation, By Paul F. P. Pogue, NUVO, March 10, 2004

Writ large: Kids speak out with artwork, By Nicole Berner, The Herald Times, March 10, 2004, Vol.127, No.256. [log-in required]

Billboard contest features youth art: Bloomington, Indianapolis students submit art to compete, By Jane Charney, The Indiana Daily Student, February 19, 2004

Hey, kids, what time is it? (March is National Youth Art Month), IU Home Pages, January 16, 2004.

Arts Eye #30, Indiana Arts Commission, December 2003