Artist Rogelio Gutierrez, May 2011 Herron School of Art and Design Master of Fine Arts in Visual Art and Public life candidate, presents a series of public works throughout the cities of Indianapolis and Bloomington. These works include six billboards (five in Indianapolis and one in Bloomington, made available by Clear Channel and YourArtHere.org) and a mural in the Near West neighborhood of Indianapolis. Each work reads the Spanish phrase Bienvenidos a Indianapolis (Bloomington), which translates to welcome to Indianapolis (Bloomington) in English. The imagery, reminiscent of a nostalgic post card, consists of a sprawling cactus (or nopal), an iconic symbol of Mexico and its culture.
Rogelio, a first generation Mexican-American, hails from California. These public works are meant not only to act as a metaphor for his parents’ struggles to establish a life in the United States, as well as his own transition from life in California to life in the Midwest; but also as a welcoming beacon to the ever increasing Latino/a population in the city Indianapolis and the state of Indiana in general. It is the artist’s intention to attempt to bridge the gap between this population and the general population.
These public works coincide with Rogelio’s MFA thesis exhibition that will take place throughout the month of May in Herron School of Art and Design’s main gallery
Billboard Locations 1) Indianapolis Cultural Trail, 888 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, IN 2) Indianapolis Cultural Trail, 922 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, IN 3) Near 1685 W. Washington St., between Reichwein and Richland Streets heading West (exiting downtown). 4) Near 1685 W. Washington St., between Reichwein and Richland Streets heading West (entering downtown). 5) Near 1185 E. Michigan St., on the corner of E. Michigan and E. Dorman St. (entering downtown). 6) At the corner of E. 6th and N. Walnut, on the square in downtown Bloomington, IN
Mural Location
La Frontera (one of the first Mexican tiendas in Indianapolis) 2401 W. Washington St., Indianapolis
Bienvenidos A Indianpolis MFA Thesis Exhibition
Opening Reception: May 5th (Cinco de Mayo), 5PM-9PM Eleanor Prest Reese and Robert B. Berkshire Galleries, Herron School of Art and Design, 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis, IN
Exhibition continues through May 26th. Gallery hours are: Monday 10AM-5PM, Tuesday 10AM-5PM, Wednesday 10AM-8PM, Thursday 10AM-5PM, Friday 10AM-5PM, Saturday 10AM-5PM, and Sunday CLOSED
Contact: gutierrez.rogelio@gmail.com