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New Co-Curatorial Directors, Katelyn Greenberg and Mitch Meyers

983864_10155271037875385_589177124950358606_nKatelyn Greenberg born in Alton, IL. She received a Bachelor of Arts from Illinois College in Jacksonville, IL in 2014 and is currently pursing her Master of Fines Art in Sculpture at Indiana University’s Bloomington campus.

Katelyn’s work has a lot in common with traditional fairytales. They deal with archetypes and involve traditional roles of the good, the bad and the kind helper. These memories of make believe have animals, people and monsters as characters. Strange and magical things happen in these tales; animals speak, trees walk and humans fly. Like in traditional tales these have some shocking and gruesome elements.


“Brother” Mitch Myers was born and raised in the city of Bloomington, he has known no other home except for the one where his heart is. “I really like animals and good music”, he says. This is his last semester as a BFA candidate. When he graduates in the fall he plans to move to Portland, Oregon where he will obtain his pilot’s license and fly hot air balloons while working at a used bookstore on the side to cover the steep cost of his flying lessons.