correct me if I’m wrong by Shashana Chittle
Your Art Here presents correct me if I’m wrong by artist Shashana Chittle for the Massachusetts Ave. Billboard Project. The billboard will be mounted September 2006.
Artwork Statement
“1=+1” and “correct me if I’m wrong” are two pieces that take personal sentiments that I rarely express and attempt to offer them for others to relate to. 1=+1 is a shy attempt at optimism, while “Correct me if I’m wrong” is a shy attempt at self-confidence. Both of these pieces embody the hope for hope I’ve been struggling for, given the war and the political climate of recent years.
“1=+1” is a way of thinking about non-qualified facts and quantities, since the number one is necessarily positive unless specified otherwise, 1=+1 is a way of abstractly integrating a belief in positivity into one’s daily life. I believe the equation also acts much like a Buddhist koan in the way that is it clear and unclear at once. Each of the two items in the photo, “correct me if I’m wrong” carry contradictory messages. Positioned against a black background, a dead dove is juxtaposed with a heart shaped post-it note that has “correct me if I’m wrong” tentatively written in white-out on it. I feel that the pairing of these conflicting but heartfelt symbols acknowledges the difficulty of following one’s heart and the confusion included in that struggle.
Artist Bio
Shashana Jaffee Chittle was born in San Francisco in 1980. She received her Batchelor of Arts in Art Studio from UC Santa Barbara in 2002, and her Masters of Fine Arts in Visual Art at UC San Diego in 2006. She has exhibited in gallery group-shows in Los Angeles, San Diego, Tijuana and Chicago, as well as in “The Small Painting Show” at the Ulrich Museum of Art in Wichita Kansas, and “Spring Reverb” at the San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art. She currently lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Visit: www.shashanachittle.com