Ghosts Know No Borders by Sydney Craig
Your Art Here presents Ghosts Know No Borders by artist Sydney Craig for the Massachusetts Ave. Billboard Project. The billboard will be mounted thru August 2007.
Artwork Statement
As a society, we are born into a system of language that structures our beliefs, our conventions, and our culture. Arbitrary symbols and sounds construct communication and perception, and at times it is difficult to unveil a reality when it is masked by languageās manipulative nature. The media, for example, bombards the public with these symbols and sounds in a dizzying display of scrolling names of the deceased as the death toll in Iraq is announced. This piece illustrates how an individual, a reality full of meanings and experiences, can be lost under a veil of anonymity as he or she becomes another name on a list, another statistic, another body.
Artist Bio
As a product of Midwestern America, Sydney has grown up at the mercy of the weather and indiscernible elevation changes. She was born in 1984 in Lafayette, IN, and soon followed her family and the plastic production trends to central Indiana, where the green pastures of rural Indiana tapered into manicured lawns and suburban lifestyles. Sydney is now a senior at Indiana University and will graduate in May 2008 with a BFA in printmaking and a BA in the History of Art with a concentration in Modern Art viewed through a lens of literary theory.
Contact: swcraig@indiana.edu