A Cage by Adam Courier
Your Art Here presents A Cage by artist Adam Courier for the Massachusetts Ave. Billboard Project. The billboard will be mounted thru July 2007.
Artwork Statement
we forget to look up.
we ignore what has been missing.
this is our cage.
look up.
A Cage could mean many things, but primarily it may be, for you, a statement about the world in which we’ve created around ourselves. All of us are tethered (even wirelessly) to the various networks and power grids humming and buzzing over our heads. In all of our haste to do our jobs, accumulate our money, to “progress,” what is it that we’re sacrificing? Are the things that we create in order to make us more free the very things that strip us of our freedom? Enjoy your next power outage.
Artist Bio
Adam Courier was born in Honolulu, HI in 1980. He grew up in Indianapolis and went to school in Bloomington where he graduated from in 2002. He currently works in film production in Hawaii, but is moving to Los Angeles in the fall of 2007.
Visit: http://www.adamcourier.com